imatge de capçalera

About us

Institució La Farga is a chartered school located in Sant Cugat (Barcelona), which accompanies students - and their families -
from nursery up to university entrance, by helping to prepare students to develop as whole persons
and become caring citizens and competent professionals.

We have an innovative vision of education, based on Christian humanism and personalized attention.

The Institute for Family Education

The Institute for Family Education

Institució La Farga belongs to Institució Familiar d'Educació, an educational group that currently has thirteen schools in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, with over 8,000 students and 700 education professionals who attend to over 5,000 families everyday.  

Institución Familiar de Educación was born in 1969 out of the initiative of a group of families that wanted to promote and manage schools in Catalonia which would offer a high-quality educational model.

Own character
Our project provides an innovative vision of education based on Christian humanism and personalized attention so that each of our students can develop as whole persons and become caring citizens and competent professionals.



We have been working since 1969 to share our educational knowledge and experience with the families, the real protagonists of their children's education, to help them develop themselves fully and become caring citizens and competent professionals. We do this by providing personalized attention to each student and family, encouraging academic excellence through diversity and promoting the quest for truth and the practice of Christian values as a basis for their personal, family and social life.
We have been working since 1969 to share our educational knowledge and experience with the families, the real protagonists of their children's education, to help them develop themselves fully and become caring citizens and competent professionals. We do this by providing personalized attention to each student and family, encouraging academic excellence through diversity and promoting the quest for truth and the practice of Christian values as a basis for their personal, family and social life.
To become an educational institution, humanist and innovative which contribute to the improvement of society through the formation of families and education professionals.

Our values are based on Christian Humanism:

  • Interest for each person and for their training through affection, respect and solidarity.
  • Personal integrity with autonomy, responsible use of freedom and the will for continuous improvement.
  • The work well done with initiative, effort, openness to others and spirit of service thanks to sincerity, loyalty, humility.
  • A climate of optimism, trust and collaboration

Christian Identity

Christian Identity

The schools belonging to the Institute for Family Education offer Christian-inspired educational projects, instigated by families which share these Christian values. Our educational proposal is based on a Christian sense of the person, the world and society, which aims to find a coherent union between faith, thought and life while respecting and promoting every person's personal freedom in all aspects of life. The centres were set up at the initiative of parents who had been inspired by Saint Josémaría Escrivá, founder of the Opus Dei.

Comprehensive Education

Comprehensive Education

This collaboration between the families and the school is key to ensuring our students are given the chance to develop in all areas of their lives.  We promote in our students the virtues and habits that allow us to become better people and help us grow as free and responsible citizens.

Our education system is built around three cornerstones:

  • a solid academic background in the scientific, technical and humanistic areas-
  • good personal development training based on values such as freedom, effort, optimism, solidarity and respect for others
  • and Christian instruction for those parents and students who wish to pursue it.

Single-sex Education

Single-sex Education

With the aim of offering real personalized attention capable of adapting to our students' circumstances and needs, Institució La Farga offers single-sex education from primary.

Nursery and preschool children are taken care of at La Farga Infantil and, from 1st year of primary, girls study at La Vall and boys continue at La Farga.

In this way, we can adapt to the different rates at which children mature as well as the psychological differences between them and thereby achieve real equality of opportunity.

Personalized attention

Personalized attention

At Institució La Farga each student is treated as an individual, just like at home, and each family is attended to individually because education is much more than simply conveying knowledge.

As part of the personalized attention to each student's needs and the support given to each family, a tutor meets twice a month with each student and once a term with the family to set goals for improvement and track each student's progress. 

Tutors meet with the parents periodically to discuss academic aspects, a student's character, habits, friends, relationship with brothers and sisters, etc. Any aspects that might have an influence on the student's education are considered so that the school and families can work together to set specific goals for improvement. 

School of Families

School  of Families

We are a family school because primary responsibility for educating children lies with you, the families. We therefore strive to guide you as you undertake this essential task.

At Institució La Farga parents play a major role. The school therefore works directly with the families in an ongoing collaboration and the teachers share their educational knowledge and experience so that your children can fully develop as people and become caring citizens and competent professionals

This collaboration between the families and the school is key to ensuring our students are given the chance to develop in all areas of their lives. 

Initiative of the families

Initiative of the families

The school was born out of the initiative of a group of families that wanted to promote and manage schools which would offer a high-quality educational model. Thus, in 1969  Institució La Farga was inaugurated and has now been educating and forming students for over 50 years, with the help of education professionals and, especially, the families.  

One of our key concepts is the continuous training of our teachers, through the introduction of new teaching methodologies and innovation in education projects that allow us to continually improve our educational project. Another important aspect is our educational commitment to the families and the great support they offer us.