English Week 4th grade: 'Harry Potter'

From the 3rd to the 5th of May

De 03-05-2022 09:15 a 05-05-2022 16:45
Institució La Farga Mirasol, Cami al Papiol, Mira-sol, España
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In two weeks, the 4th graders will immerse themselves in the thematic week 'Harry Potter', in which they will learn a lot of things about J.K. Rowling's books. They will participate in workshops, different sports, arts & crafts activities... Also, on the 5th of May , children can come dressed up to school  with a costume related to the stories.

We hope they like it!

En dos semanas, los alumnos de 4º de primaria estaran inmersos en la semana temática 'Harry Potter', en la que aprenderán un montón de cosas sobre los libros de J.K. Rowling. Podrán participar en diferentes talleres, deportes, actividades de plástica ... El día 5 de mayo los alumnos podrán venir disfrazados de una temática relacionada con las historias de Harry Potter.